Maintenant 2020 ► 12,000 Thank you !

Publish on 12 October 2020

“Full of surprises”: this is how one could describe the 20th edition of Maintenant festival.
More than 12,000 people have discovered the 50 artists presented in unusual places in the Rennes metropolis: exhibitions, installations, performances, unexpected artistic interventions, discussions and conferences.
A special thought to the actors involved in events that could not take place, because it is essential to experience moments of poetry and discovery.
Maintenant 2020 has been possible thanks to the energy and involvement of all: festival teams, institutional and cultural partners, and the large audience which attented the festival. 

A big thank you to everyone, and see you next year!
Maintenant’s team

Last week-end in video

2020's edition in pictures

Until October 18th

Sound Reveries of Trips We Won’t Go On of Flavien Théry at galerie Quinconce. 

Until October 18th

Mirages & Miracles of Adrien M & Claire B at Les Champs Libres

Until November 4th

tele-present wind of David Bowen at Pont des Arts

Due to new health restrictions, the exhibition is unfortunatly interrupted. 

Until November 4th

Turquoise of Bichopalo at Pont des Arts

Due to new health restrictions, the exhibition is unfortunatly interrupted. 

Until November 26th

Kids of Michael Frei & Mario von Rickenback at Grand Cordel MJC

Due to new health restrictions, the exhibition is unfortunatly interrupted. 

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