Cultures Electroni[k] 2009

In 2009, Cultures Electroni[k] is taking place around Rennes and Saint-Brieuc. Ambitious and innovative creations through territories and places with very different facets.

The festival opens in an unusual way at the Château de la Hunaudaye (22) with an Electronic Night that invites spectators to sleep in the castle grounds.

In 2009, a monumental creation took place in Saint-Brieuc, Le [K]ube is an ephemeral performance hall created as part of an original integration project. This original venue built around a system of scaffolding hosts shows and innovative proposals for 900 people.

In Rennes, Joanie Lemercier proposes an audiovisual creation based on the tapestry La Mort de Duguesclin in the majestic setting of the Parlement de Bretagne.


Visual Identity by Guillaumit

Festival in pictures

The artists

André Gonçalves (PT), Aymeric de Tapol (FR), Bertùf (FR), Black Ham (FR), Bros Before Hoes (FR), Byetone (ALL), Damien C (FR), Darabi (FR), Das Shift (FR), Dj Sambal (FR), dOP (FR), Iroskin (FR), Crystal Fighters (ES), D.V.D (JP), Damien Marchal & Nicolas M. (FR), Étienne Cliquet (FR), Félicia Atkinson (FR), Graphset (FR), H5 (FR), Jodi Cave (GB), Les Garnements (FR), Mikix The Cat (ALL), Mondkopf (FR), MonsieurMonsieur (FR), Nate & Jojo (FR), Olibusta (FR), Origamibiro & The Joy of Box (GB), Pascal Dubreuil (FR), Kap Bambino (FR), Joanie Lemercier (FR), MHA (FR), Poborsk (FR), Sanch (FR), Samuel François (FR), SATI (FR), Tomoko Sauvage (JP), Tepr (FR), The Shoes (FR), Tony Oheix (FR), Valérian Goalec (FR), Zombie Nation (ALL).


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