France | Edition 2023 /

Céline Garnavault & Hectores

© DR

Céline Garnavault is an actress, author and director. A graduate of the Académie du Théâtre de L’union – CDN de Limoges, she founded the company La Boîte à sel in 2010 to create works combining theatre, puppetry and visual arts. She also has a wealth of experience as an actress, assistant director, author and puppeteer-singer. Gradually, she developed a passion for the visual transposition of stories. In 2012, she placed plastic and musical explorations at the heart of her creative process. In 2015, she met sound designer Thomas Sillard, who became her creative partner. Together, they gave birth to a new stage language that is constantly developing: connected theatre of sound objects. Since then, the duo have designed visual, sound and technological pieces that straddle the border between theatre, contemporary puppetry, art installations and music. Since 2020, Hectores, a support office based in Rennes, has been assisting the company with consultancy, structuring, production and development strategy.
