France | Edition 2023 /


© Morganographe

RIXES is the meeting of drummer Bertrand James (TotorRo, La Battue) and electronic music producer Maël Péneau (Maelstrom) on the tour of American artist Louisahhh.

Two worlds that might not seem very compatible live – electronic music and drums – RIXES has successfully demonstrated that the two complement each other perfectly! A constant dialogue between machines and instruments, visually materialised by responsive projections, RIXES lies at the interface of rave and improvised music and the visual arts.

Equipped with sensors, the drums are used to trigger and create new sound material that the machines process and modulate, adding improvisations via synthesizers and analogue sequencers. The duo called on artist Eliza Struthers-Jobin to make these interactions tangible. Taking all the data produced by the two musicians, she developed an algorithmic creation that visually captures the group’s creative process. Captivating and frenetic!

RIXES is co-produced by La Carène, Stereolux and l’Antipode, and supported by the City of Nantes and the Pays de la Loire Regional Council.
