Ensemble O14

Maya Shenfeldde

#Ambient #ModularSynth #Electronica

A Palace in Time

“During the past couple of years I’ve been thinking a lot about time. For me, this preoccupation has a musical origin: I’ve always thought of music as a way of sculpting in time. The title of my most recent album, Under the Sun, is a play on the well-worn quote from Eclesstiastis, “There is nothing new under the sun,” which asks: is there, really? In light of the looming climate crisis, can we talk, in a stoic way, about eternal cosmic repetition with the same surety? 

For this podcast Abraham Joshua Heschel’s notion of the Sabbath as what he calls “a palace in time” was my point of departure. For Heschel, modern life is dominated by an obsession with space — with building, mastering, and conquering things of space. We’re obsessed with producing “things”. Jenny Odell, in her book How to Do Nothing, similarly is interested, in a sense, in how we’ve turned time into just another “thing”, just another value to extract from. 

Today, time is captured and monetized by online platforms. To win over our time, our attention, online platforms turn us into obedient doom-scrollers. Our anxieties are amplified, polarization is worsened, differences are sharpened, anger is stoked. When we’re not working, we are expected to consume and share media, to promote ourselves, or spread a cause – often both. Time is the key currency in this logic. Time is money, as they say.

But the thinkers featured in this podcast suggest an alternative: slowing down, listening, observing beauty, towards cultivating a different kind of attention—one grounded in openness to the world. 

Recorders, organs, strings, vocoders, distortion, and analogue synths, are woven together with short excerpts from conversations and lectures that have resonated with me during the past year. The excerpts are taking from a talk by Jenny Odell about her book How to do Nothing, and two episodes from Ezra Klein’s podcast: a conversation he did with Judith Shulevitz about her book The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time, and a recent conversation with novelist Marilynne Robinson, which revolved around her new book Reading Genesis

With love and thanks to Gineke Pranger”

ensemble 014 is a creation by Maya Shenfeld, produced by Electroni[k] / Maintenant festival, in co-production with Les Siestes as part of SHAPE+.

The artist

Maya Shenfeld is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Maya Shenfeld

Maya Shenfeld is a Jerusalem-born, Berlin-based composer and musician. Her music is as powerfully evocative as it is strikingly intimate, exploring the intersection of musical production methods derived from popular, electronic, and experimental music, as well as temporality, focus, and somatic listening.

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Maya Shenfeld



Maya Shenfeld - Aeon


Marilynne Robinson on Biblical Beauty, Human Evil, and the Ideal of Israel, excerpt from the Ezra Klein Show


Marta Forsberg - Singing for each other


Ly Trang - 0, gravity


Jenny O’dell - How to do nothing, excerpt from The Conference 2017


Laura Cannell - the girl who became and owl


Ezra Klein & Judith Shulevitz - Sabbath and the Art of Rest, excerpt


Tuulikki Bartosik - Norrland


Ezra Klein & Judith Shulevitz - Sabbath and the Art of Rest, excerpt


Catherine Lamb - Pulse - Shade


Marilynne Robinson on Biblical Beauty, Human Evil, and the Ideal of Israel, excerpt from the Ezra Klein show


Sinonó - qué estará pensando


Meredith Monk - Eon


Sofie Birch - You make me care more


Jenny O’dell - How to do nothing, excerpt from The Conference 2017


Pyur - Ripples, Inner Outer


Tirzah - D I C U V


Dante - CTM


Perila - Nat’s Poem


Caterina Barbieri - Alphabet of Light


Soundwalk Collective - The Future of Sexuality


Jenny O’dell - How to do nothing, excerpt from The Conference 2017


The Royal Wind Music - Istijbar Raml-al-Maya (Improvisation)


Akira Rabelais - Du côté de chez Swann - Il y a bien des années ... dans le silence du soir


Mery Oliver - Wild Geese


Maya Shenfeld - Silver


Jenny O’dell - How to do nothing, excerpt from The Conference 2017


Maya Shenfeld - Anaphora

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