“Hacktivisms ‣ Chapter 1 of Ambivalences #3 – Rennes

Publish on 2 September 2022

Public meetings for a reflection on the relationship between art, technology and society

Starting from the premise that technology is not neutral, that its exponential deployment impacts our entire ecosystem, and that the place of art and culture is essential to explore these questions and issues, Electroni[k], Oblique/s and Stereolux are joining forces to present a program of meetings entitled “Ambivalences”.

After a first year devoted to the theme of “Environmental mutations” and a second to “Mutations of the living“, the next edition of conferences during the Maintenant festival is dedicated to the first chapter of the “Political mutations” theme.

▶︎ Chapter 1 – Hacktivisms

Thursday 6 October 2022 – 2.30 to 4.30 pm – Le Tambour (Université Rennes 2)

As part of the professional meetings of the Maintenant festival 

The progressive digitalisation of our societies is bringing about profound changes in many aspects of our lives: access to information, knowledge, culture, changes in social and economic relations, etc. How do these changes alter the balance of power in the social field? What are the political implications? How do today’s artists view these changes and how do they use these technologies in their work to convey a political discourse and reveal their emancipating, alienating or subversive dimension?

Digital disobedience as a lever for political action?

The opening of this new theme will question the relationship between art and activism by showing artists who are “hacking” and who invite us to rethink, through art, our dependence on technology and our machine-based ecosystem.

▶︎ Stakeholders

  • Moderated by Pauline Briand – journalist and author

    Pauline Briand is a journalist and author specialising in environmental issues. For Billebaude, Usbek & Rica and the National Museum of Natural History, she has written about myxomatosis, forests and climate change, the disappearance of insects, the evolution of life, and anthropology beyond the human. 

    With Astrid de la Chapelle, Disnovation, the Internet of Dead Things Institute and Nicolas Nova, she participates in projects between art and research that work on the narrative of Easter Island to the hybridisations of the Anthropocene. Pauline Briand contributes to the Centre for Earth Policies.

  • Jean-Paul Fourmentraux (FR) – Socio-anthropologist and art critic

    Jean-Paul Fourmentraux, socio-anthropologist and art critic, is a professor at the University of Aix-Marseille and a member of the Norbert Elias Centre at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales. He is the author of several books on digital (counter-)cultures, including Art et Internet (2005), L’Ère Post-media (2012), L’œuvre Virale (2013), Identités numériques (2015).

    For these Ambivalences meetings, he will present the work compiled in his latest book antiDATA – La désobéissance numérique (Les Presses Du Réel, 2020).

  • Gwenola Wagon (FR) – Artist and Lecturer at the University of Paris 8

    Gwenola Wagon is an artist and teacher at the University of Paris 8. Her work imagines alternatives and paradoxical narratives to deconstruct the contemporary digital world.
    She makes films and installations for festivals and exhibitions in France and abroad. She has published Psychoanalysis of the International Airport with Stéphane Degoutin and Planète B (369 editions).



  • Christophe Bruno (FR) – Visual artist

    In the early 2000s, Christophe Bruno entered the movement by poetically and sensitively hijacking Google Adwords, the Google advertising network. Today, the polymorphous visual artist ventures into many mediums, from sculpture to NFT and performance, to propose a critical reflection on network phenomena in the fields of image and language.

    Artist-in-residence at IMéRA, Institut d’Études Avancées d’Aix-Marseille Université, “Art, Science, Société” programme and laureate of the “Résidence Hors les Murs Villa Médicis 2016” programme of the Institut Français, “Digital Arts” category, he has been involved since 2013 in the Improbable workshops, the Art Thinking workshops of the Institut Jean-Baptiste Say, and gives lectures at the Collège de France and at Université de Stanford.




  • Julie Morel (FR) – Artist & Teacher at ESAS-Tours

    Julie Morel is an artist. She has participated in numerous collectives (,, Le sans titre). Her plastic and graphic proposals, often linked to the history of conceptual art, are directed towards textuality: the different aspects of written text. Her practice, fuelled by a desire to question the relationship between man and language, develops in various forms: editions, interactive devices, websites, installations, drawings, collaborative workshops. In this way, she examines and explores different fields of writing: literature, translation, computer code, metalanguage, commentary, score. Her work is exhibited in France and internationally. She teaches editorial and digital practices at ESAD Tours.

Ambivalences is based on the festivals Maintenant in Rennes, Scopitone with the Labo Arts & Tech in Nantes and ]interstice[ in Caen. It emanates from an inter-regional dynamic supported by Electroni[k] (Brittany), Stereolux (Pays de La Loire) and Oblique/s (Normandy). It is part of the reflections carried out by the national network HACNUM, around the issues specific to the actors and the sector of hybrid arts and digital cultures.

In partnership with the Université Rennes 2.

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