Maintenant ‣ Remember 2023 and see you in 2024!

Publish on 30 November 2023

Maintenant was already two months ago! From 5 to 8 October 2023, the festival renewed its invitation to gather around the key words “Arts, music & technology”. 4 days of festivities and amazement, in less than 4 minutes of video and almost 100 photos.

Save the date! The next edition of Maintenant will be held in October 2024. In the meantime, you can keep up to date with Electroni[k] or bring a little Maintenant into your home with the online shop.


(Re)live the festival in video

Video credit

  • Direction: Lorriane Torlasco
  • Music :  Innamorata del tuo ControlloDame Area
  • Additionnal images: Eddy Tertrais & Voyons Voir 

Remembering in pictures

Maintenant 2023 _ en images

Photo credits : Gwendal Le Flem, Lia Goarand, Marc alter1fo, Eddy Tertrais, Tifenn Viaux, Loup Derrien et Milan Valtais pour le P’tit Rennais.

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