Parallel Strata ‣ Installation on Place Hoche

Publish on 22 September 2023


Parallel Strata refers to “parallel strata”. In geology, strata correspond to a more or less homogeneous sedimentary unit between two approximately parallel surfaces. These surfaces correspond to discontinuities, rapid variations in the nature of the rocks. The title refers to the different layers formed by light in the space in question.

Composed of three 4.5-metre-high tripods, with 3-metre-long rotating arms mounted above them, Parallel Strata is a large-scale light structure. A total of six lights are located on either side of the arms. The lights are stroboscopic, meaning that they are intermittent sources of light. Spectators can walk around and under the structures to observe the effects created by the rotation of the arms and the stroboscopic lights.


La place Hoche

Every year, the Festival Maintenant strives to present installations and performances in public spaces. It’s a way of taking on new spaces and giving people who aren’t necessarily familiar with the festival a chance to get a glimpse of what’s on offer, so that they want to keep going. Place Hoche has already played host to the works Eotone (David Letellier and Herman Kolgen) in 2014 and Cloud (Caitlind R.C Brown and Wayne Garrett) in 2015.


Médiation culturelle

Throughout the period when the installation is on (Wednesday: 08:00 pm to 11:30 pm / Thursday, Friday & weekend: 07:30 pm to 11:30 pm), a mediation team will be on hand to answer any questions and provide more information about the work.

find out more about the work

Concept and production: Joris Strijbos & Nicky Assmann
Software: Matthijs Munnik
Parallel Strata was commissioned by the ZERO Foundation, Düsseldorf, and is supported by the Mondrian Fund and the Zentrum für Internationale Lichtkunst Unna, Germany. It is presented in partnership with Les Tombées de la Nuit.

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