INTERRUPT – Turquoise



October 2nd to November 4th

Monday, Tuesday: 4:30pm-7pm
Wednesday: 10am-12pm / 2pm-7pm
Friday: 4pm-7pm
Saturday: 10am-12pm / 2pm-5pm

Le Pont des Arts

More about the venue


Given the new health restrictions that imply the closure of the exhibition sites, Turquoise is unfortunately no longer accessible to the public.

Electroni[k] and the Pont des Arts join forces to propose a sensitive and technological reinterpretation of elements of the garden-city that Cesson-Sévigné represents. Between landscape and nature, Bichopalo and David Bowen are invited to present their works at the Pictura Gallery, in a new dialogue between new technologies and the plant world.

With the help of his two birds, Pico and Verdi, Bichopalo creates melodies that incorporate synthesizers, various percussions, spiral water, marbles, a toaster, and lots of nature that are as much pleasure for the eyes as for the ears. Between soothing melody and visual beauty, he offers us, in video, impressive musical sculptures.

Still in progress, I can’t really say how many hours, days and months I spent working on this project (…) The whole structure is a combination of different instruments, but the main one is a kind of sequencer with a limit of 8 notes that can be combined on different motifs. An electrical impulse activates a motor with a connected arm that hits a sensor that scrolls a pre-recorded note.

Bichopalo is a surprising Spanish artist and musical sculptor. He builds complex music machines out of unusual objects, with great finesse, leaving nothing to chance. Composed of plants, water and even coconuts used as cabins for his birds, his creations seem to come straight out of an imaginary world.


Pictures of the exhibition

Expositions au Pont des Arts - Turquoise & tele-present wind
