Géométrie Augmentée



From October 9th to December 12th

Wednesday & Friday: 2pm to 5pm / Thursday: 11am to 1pm / Saturday: 11am to 1pm & 2pm to 6pm / Sunday: 10am to 1pm

Centre d’art – Les 3 CHA

More about the venue


Shadow, light. Light, shadow. Everything evolves quickly. The lines of light leak into infinity. The monument becomes a playground for technology, and its grandeur adds strength to the experience.

The geometry of the lines, whether those of the works or of the exhibition spaces, are interesting in their possibilities of dialogue and even union.

It is a research around the luminous matter increased by the space and the materials which is in play. To try to make palpable the impalpable. To give thickness to the light and that the mirrors, on the contrary, by their property of absorption of the environment, disappear. 

The sound work created from the luminous vibrations and the echo of the place will come to wrap us while acting on our own resonances.





 Géométrie Spatiale by AILO

The exhibition Géométrie Augmentée by A.I.L.O is programmed by the Art Center – The 3 CHA in partnership with Electroni[k].

For the school year 2021.2022, A.I.L.O, the secondary school La Roche aux Fées de Retiers, the Art Center – The 3 CHA and the association Electroni[k] are associating around an artist residency. This project, Lignes Sensibles, will conclude with the creation of an immersive, luminous and sound piece.

Presented during the European Local Heritage Day, Special opening on the 19th of September from 11:00am to 1:00pm and from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Closing on the 11th of november.
