
Tristan Ménez & Benjamin Le Baron



Friday, October 8th 2021

8:15pm & 10:30pm

Free on reservation

Instabilités is a performative project, born from the meeting between two artists. The will is to create a hybrid work, between art, science and digital tools.

Through experiments on fluids in motion and vibration, the artists illustrate the idea that the infinitely small and the infinitely large can present many similarities in their functioning and their plastic quality.

Using manipulations based on fluid mechanics, whether static or dynamic, this performance offers spectators a composition of kinetic and sound paintings, between abstraction and representation of reality. 

Inspired by the scientific imagination and science fiction, the performance presents a poetic and sensitive translation of experiments on the vibrations of moving fluids.

This event is also including the presentation of Lucie Antunes Ensemble & Collectif Scale + DJ Zazu, that you can book here

Instabilités is a creation by Tristan Ménez & Benjamin Le Baron, supported and produced by Electroni[k], co-produced with the Antipode, the ASCA Beauvais, the Château Ephémère and La Carène – SMAC of Brest Metropole.

2021 laureate of the call for projects by La Biennale Némo and the Festival La Science de l’Art
Instabilités on Maintenant 2021 is presented as part of the Fête de la science.
