Open air

BZMC Live, Rinemax & Mika Oki


Saturday, October 9th 2021

5pm to 10pm

Ferme de Quincé

More about the venue

depending on available places

To brighten up your Saturday, the Open Air, initially taking place at the Hôtel Dieu has been moved to the Ferme de Quincé.. An opportunity to get together before the end of the festival!

Today, the sun is with us !
Beware, the capacity is limited. Please arrive early, at 5pm.
We will keep you informed in real time if the access to the site is not possible anymore.

Program :


From ambient to experimental hardcore, Rinemax crosses styles of club music with music more conducive to the listening format in order to break the sets and make them more lively.



BZMC‘s live shows are made of a combination of hip-hop beats and experimental sounds. Over time, BZMC‘s sound has become more experimental, mixing syncopated grooves, dubby basses, hypnotic vocals and industrial sounds.

Mika Oki

Shape Artist 2018, Mika Oki sweeps a wide musical spectrum, her mixes travel both physically and emotionally between UK Bass, IDM, Acid, Jazz, Indus and Electro-Acoustic. All in a controlled chaos holding the dancers in suspense. 

Thanks to the City of Rennes, the association offers to people with hearing impairment to benefit from :

– a magnetic loop : allows partially deaf people equipped with hearing aids to have a listening quality identical to that of people with full hearing.

– subpac : A portable device that looks like a backpack and allows you to physically feel the music.

Please make a request and indicate NAME – SURNAME – MAIL – TELEPHONE – SHOW – EQUIPMENT REQUESTED (magnetic loop or subpac) to

