Le bruit des contours

Hugo Baranger

Free with reservation

Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 October, 2023

03:00 pm to 03:40 pm / 04:30 pm to 05:10 pm

Théâtre du Vieux St-Étienne

More about the venue

Free with reservation

The Le bruits des contours (The sound of contours) experiment takes the form of an evolving and generative sound walk through the streets of Rennes. Accompanied by his Sniffy2 backpack-instrument, Hugo Baranger creates polyphonic sounds in real time from wifi signals. Each connected phone, tablet or computer is embodied by a unique sound identity, reflecting through music the evolution of their presence in the city.

With this sound piece, Hugo Baranger makes the digital world and the human world permeable, allowing their respective entities to participate together in a concert. Le bruits des contours offers a poetic response to the decline of spirituality in our time through new rituals and shared experiences.

In pictures

Le bruit des contours, Hugo Baranger
