Saiyah #2.9

Yoko Seyama


From 5 to 8 October, 2023

Thursday & Friday: 01:00 pm to 06:30 pm
Week-end: 10:00 am to 06:30 pm

CCNRB · Studio

More about the venue


Yoko Seyama‘s luminous and curious installation Saiyah #2.9 plays with the colours emanating from white light reflected by mirrors. When projected onto a spectral glass plate, white light transmits only one specific colour spectrum, instead of the usual two. At the same time, the rest of the colour frequency spectrum is reflected by four glass plates. These plates rotate and modify the colour transmitted by the light source and the reflected light. Before our very eyes, the colour compositions evolve, remixing the light and creating a spectacle of colour in empty space.

In pictures

Saiyah #2.9, Yoko Seyama

In partnership with FAIR-E – Centre Chorégraphique National de Rennes et de Bretagne.
