INTERRUPT – tele-present wind

David Bowen


October 2nd to November 4th

Monday, Tuesday: 4:30pm-7pm
Wednesday: 10am-12pm / 2pm-7pm
Friday: 4pm-7pm
Saturday: 10am-12pm / 2pm-5pm

Le Pont des Arts

More about the venue


Given the new health restrictions that imply the closure of the exhibition sites, tele-present wind is unfortunately no longer accessible to the public.

Electroni[k] and the Pont des Arts join forces to propose a sensitive and technological reinterpretation of elements of the garden-city that Cesson-Sévigné represents. Between landscape and nature, Bichopalo and David Bowen are invited to present their works at the Pictura gallery, in a new dialogue between new technologies and the plant world.

This installation consists of a series of 126 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside.

The sensor is installed in an outdoor location adjacent to the Visualization and Digital Imaging Lab at the University of Minnesota. Thus the individual components of the installation in move in unison as they are mimicking the direction and intensity of the wind halfway around the world. As it monitors and collects real-time data from this remote and distant location, the system relays a physical representation of the dynamic and fluid environmental conditions.


Pictures of the exhibtion

Expositions au Pont des Arts - Turquoise & tele-present wind
