Workshop: Masque VS Masque
LISAA's students (Master's Degree in Digital Art Direction 2019-2020)
LISAA's students only
September 14th to 16th
Speakers : François Camard & Solenn Thomas (LISAA) and Gaétan Naël (Electroni[k] / Maintenant Festival)
In the last few months and with the circulation of Covid-19, the mask made a massive irruption in our lives, and especially in public spaces. In this particular context, Electroni[k] and LISAA have joined their forces to offer a workshop to the students of the master’s degree in digital art, exploring the notions of the mask, its functions, its forms and its design, today and tomorrow. Object of identification, anonymity or protection, the mask changes its image and function according to the historical moment, the place or the context.
Mask of sanitary security VERSUS mask of the demonstrator VERSUS mask of the disobedience VERSUS mask of religious obedience VERSUS facial recognition VERSUS masks of practical utility VERSUS mask as ornamental and symbolic adornment VERSUS mask of war…
With the help of their artistic and graphic skills and digital techniques, the students are led to imagine a free device (an installation, a product, an application…), aimed at questioning contemporary Western society in its contradictions of the obligation to wear one (sanitary mask) or not to wear one (mask of civic disobedience / demonstrations), and to question the spectators-observers on the place, the role, the aesthetics of the mask in its various dimensions of use.
A mask tells much more than a face, and man is little himself when he speaks in the first person; give him a mask, and he will tell the truth. Oscar Wilde.
Pictures of the workshop
After a few months with our faces under our masks, the six groups of students were able to brainstorm in September 2020 on the topic “Mask VS Mask”.
At the end of the three-day workshop, the six groups of students created an idea, a concept or even an object.
You will find here a summary of their reflections and results. From high-tech masks to militant masks, here is what they delivered.
"I.MASK" - A 21th century mask
by Aurélien Babou, Élise Lefeuvre and Ambre Caldarulo
History has shown time and again that widespread and daily surveillance is one of the main weapons of authoritarian government.
The citizens of the 3rd millennium are confronted with growing civilizational problems:
ecological collapse, social crises, loss of freedom, breakdown of social dialogue, health crises…
All these trials combined together,
make life in society more and more difficult.
Our masks are designed in the image of our new reality, where wearing a mask in the public space has become mandatory.
Breathable, comfortable, adaptable and high-tech, confront the trials of the “after world” with serenity.
Keep your privacy intact with our patented ID facial recognition blurring device.
"SOUFFLE" - An experimental music project
by Elisabeth Amarin, Manon Belaiche and Caroline Tran
For the past few months, we have been advised to avoid bars and keep our distance from our loved ones. We know that the mask keeps us apart, but how can it bring us closer?
The mask has invaded our daily life with the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety instructions are strict.
Within a very short period, a new and unknown atmosphere became our daily life. An atmosphere that can be frightening, facing the fight against a microscopic and invisible virus that forces us to rethink our organization, our life.
The idea is to be able to interact and create something together, while keeping in mind the social distancing that is essential for the safety of all.
With the help of thermal sensors in the fabric, the spectator’s breath will create and compose collectively a visual and auditory atmosphere.
All the sounds produced by all the participants are emitted by speakers in the room of the experiment, just like the visual experience that unites the people between them.
"MANY FACES" - Create your identity and transform yourself !
by Nolwenn Chrestien, Marc Eudeline and Typhenn Mesny
Many Faces uses the concept of filters specific to social networks to change the very nature of your identity. […] Take on the appearance of anyone and be a new person!
In our society, the image that we send back is important, especially with social networks, we want to beautify everything, we want to tempt people and they go as far as distorting reality with false plans, filters, retouching …
I would like to combine technologies and human in an installation of body mapping that would question the notion of identity. The body transformation by the image would allow a real freedom of expression while having a strong evocative power on the transformation of the individual in his search of identity construction.
"MEIJI" - The birth of a collective
by Simon Appriou, Arthur Chamaret, Dorian Costes and Alexis Lesieur
In society, we hide behind masks that we make ourselves, in order to be more accepted, to doubt less. We copy the masks around us to make them our own.
Meiji is an artistic collective in the making. All confined and distanced, we had the idea to get together and use our different skills to imagine and create together.
Among our members, we have a writer, art directors, musicians, an illustrator and a set designer. Our wide range of skills allows us to conceive projects in their entirety in order to offer complete experiences.
Our goal is to make the public live a visual and acoustic experience to allow them to escape from reality for a short time, and to live a unique moment.
Le masque, outil millénaire et multiple,
S’entêtant avec zèle à fuir la Concorde,
Fait couler encre et postillons à profusion.
Mais gardons-nous peut-être d'être trop prestes,
À déconsidérer les masques véritables,
Ces immatériels carcans, c'est passe-montagnes,
que bien trop souvent l'on revêt face à l'autre.
Cette éclipse qu'on a posé sur nos personnalités,
Ne nuira-t-elle pas plus à notre humanité ?
Le plus menaçant des masques n'est pas sur notre visage.
Mais là où fatigués, nos esprits peu sereins font naufrage.
"MUTE" - The mask or the smothered speech
by Joséphine Mordacq, Margot Pasquet, Clara Sellier and Marlène Troumelin
Mute wanted to hijack the mask to protest against all the unfairness and inequalities in our society.
The mask as a symbol of a stifled speech, and still not considered. Since the mask is in fashion, Mute wanted to use it to protest against all the unfairness and inequalities present in our society.
This is why we wanted to propose an installation of masks on all the statues of the city. The objective is to question, to mark the spirits and to outline all the unfairness and problems raised these last years: police state, racism (black lives matter), environnemental problems, rape culture, feminicids…
"PC MASK" - Mask your face, not your words
by Alan Grelaud, Killian Lohr, Amine El Malki and Quentin Moreau
Political correctness is censorship.