(Un)related to God ‣ Design in progress

Publish on 7 July 2021

(Un)related to God

(Un)related to God is a protean live project that can be declined: on stage, augmented reality exhibition or physical and digital publishing object. (Un)related to God is a creative “ping pong” in which the universe evolves through the performances. It is the result of the collaboration of the musician and producer Apollo Noir, and the director and artist Thomas Pons. (Un)related to God tells the relationship to God through the repetitive movements of small characters drawn in black silhouette. These beings are a metaphor of Men as the makers of their own belief.





Apollo Noir

Since his beginnings under the alias Apollo Noir, Rémi Sauzedde has never denied his musical and geographical roots. The producer and musician grew up between the black woods of his Auvergne region and the rehearsal room of his hardcore punk band. As an adult, with a refined transversal musical culture and a collection of analogical synthesizers up to his ambitions, he now practices a hybrid and singular electronic music. Solicited by the new scene for his talents as a producer (Buvette, Jeanne Added, Canine, Bagarre, Claude Violante, etc.), he has been awarded several times (Album of the month Trax Magazine, Inouis du Printemps de Bourges).

With his third album Weapons, he offers a rugged journey between brutality and minimalism. Far from being limited to a physical energy or a cerebral concept album, Weapons is the occasion to remind that Apollo Noir is a generous producer of bangers with an almost joyful efficiency; and his record, at the same time the most accessible and the most spontaneous (mixed by Joakim Bouaziz, Tigersushi‘s boss and renowned producer/mixer), a new step in Apollo Noir‘s sinuous, defricting and playful path.


Director and drawer, graduated from the Arts Décoratifs of Paris in 2012, Thomas Pons is a protean artist exploring the medium of the moving image in all its forms: from its original state within graphic exhibitions, moving through the making of clips, short films and series or even interactive with experiences in augmented reality, virtual and live VJing. His graphic universe is tinged with poetry and darkness, mostly black and white, and questions Human and his habits through a recurring figure: a black silhouette, symbol of our deep psyches, that he makes travel through his different projects.

Music, which he feels very close to, has naturally led him to the making of many animated clips for different artists (Rone, The Lanskies, Falty DL, Valgeir Sigurðsson…). A medium that he considers complete for its ability to allow the viewer to mentally project himself into the proposed piece, he is inspired by it and seeks this same distancing, encouraging the public to fill in the gaps of his graphic universe and to mix his own psyches. It is at the beginning of these experiments that he meets Apollo Noir, whose musical universe and subjects of predilection are also familiar to him.


(Un)related to God  is a laureate of Talents Adami art et technologie 2020.

(Un)related to God is presented with the support of SHAPE, a platform co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.

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